Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things: Not a Straw Post

One starts with an idea.  Well, some of the time one does.
The text flows easy when there exists a concept to latch upon.
But making it up as I go along, for the most part, is suiting me fine.
I live life by the seat of my pants.
Not always by choice.
But I make do.
The anxiety caused by lack of control over one's life can be turned into excitement for the experience of the new.
I wonder what's around the next corner?
If your woes seem too great, just take it in stride.
We'll make it somehow.  Stick along for the ride!

There is a difference between driving blind because your car has very small windows and driving blind because you're not looking where you're going.

Some people find it hard to distinguish.

All this to say:
I wasn't actually oblivious to the fact that it was your birthday until I heard Dad talking to you on the phone a few hours ago, Marie.  No, really!

I shall give you words!
A speech for a special specimen of sibling:
She who staves off the stygian storms of stress with...
Stuff.  Like smiles.  Or silliness.  Or something...

Too much ham brings humiliation.
Too much cheese will surely chasten.
So I say with supplication:
Please forgive your brother!


((I'll clean out your car again.  Or owe you a generic favor.  Or something.  I'm sorry!  Happy birthday!))

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, you're sweet! But, really, you totes could have pulled off that you DIDN'T forget my birthday. I mean, it's still today...hahaha
