[The pre-show wash and house lights fade to black as the play begins.]
[A strobe light flashes, accompanied by death metal growling “Silence your babies! Silence your phones! Silence your babies! Silence your phones! If you do we would appreciate it very much!”]
[An abrupt end to the music.]
[Stage wash fades up. STORYTELLER enters, addresses the audience.]
[A strobe light flashes, accompanied by death metal growling “Silence your babies! Silence your phones! Silence your babies! Silence your phones! If you do we would appreciate it very much!”]
[An abrupt end to the music.]
[Stage wash fades up. STORYTELLER enters, addresses the audience.]
Welcome welcome you who sit, who wait,
who want wit to whet your woes, worries, or whatever.
The poor actor – I am your sacrifice.Tonight I bare myself, my soul
splintered, fractured, faceted, for your entertainment.
If you know me, you are more perceptive than I,
for I know not who I am.
Existential angst with philosophic identity crisis:
Who am I?
What am I?
Why am I?
I am one who wears masks. My concept of identity is tied to the masks I choose to wear. I have many masks and many aspects which make and mold my mien.Which is mine?
In class one day, Kim Harris said “Alex Tracy is performance art.”What does that mean?
I perform, I prance, I prowl, I preen.
But what does it mean?
What does it mean?
Am I the slacking student?
Am I the gaming geek?
Am I the thrall of the theatre?
A puppet dancing for an audience but to its own tune,
Exploring, expanding, explaining, expecting, exposing
Waiting, watching,
All the world’s a stage and you’re on display.My labors, my loves, my limitations, my life
A performance, echoing the audience’s
An exploration, a familiar journey
An exploration, a familiar journey
As I maneuver through the miasma of my mind,Sanity
you may encounter things you never knew
things you never dreamed
things you never imagined.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Mine is strange in that the moral of the tale
is told at the top
is told at the top
at the beginning:
Find your story.
Tell your story.
Tell your story.
This play is my preface, the introduction to myself.
“In order to attain the impossible
one must attempt the absurd.”
-Miguel de Unamuno
I go to conquer the obstacles keeping me from telling my storyPut on your helmets and get ready to go spelunking.
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