Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Transcript of Play: Clip One - Alex Tracy is Performance Art

[The pre-show wash and house lights fade to black as the play begins.]
[A strobe light flashes, accompanied by death metal growling “Silence your babies!  Silence your phones!  Silence your babies!  Silence your phones!  If you do we would appreciate it very much!”]
[An abrupt end to the music.]
[Stage wash fades up.  STORYTELLER enters, addresses the audience.]

Welcome welcome you who sit, who wait,
who want wit to whet your woes, worries, or whatever.
The poor actor – I am your sacrifice.
Tonight I bare myself, my soul
splintered, fractured, faceted, for your entertainment.
If you know me, you are more perceptive than I,
for I know not who I am.
Existential angst with philosophic identity crisis:
Who am I?
What am I?
Why am I?
I am one who wears masks.  My concept of identity is tied to the masks I choose to wear.  I have many masks and many aspects which make and mold my mien.
Which is mine?
In class one day, Kim Harris said “Alex Tracy is performance art.”
What does that mean?
I perform, I prance, I prowl, I preen.
But what does it mean?
What does it mean?

Am I the slacking student?
Am I the gaming geek?
Am I the thrall of the theatre?
A puppet dancing for an audience but to its own tune,
Exploring, expanding, explaining, expecting, exposing
Waiting, watching,
All the world’s a stage and you’re on display.
My labors, my loves, my limitations, my life
A performance, echoing the audience’s
An exploration, a familiar journey
As I maneuver through the miasma of my mind,
you may encounter things you never knew
things you never dreamed
things you never imagined.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Mine is strange in that the moral of the tale
is told at the top
at the beginning:
Find your story.
Tell your story.
This play is my preface, the introduction to myself.
“In order to attain the impossible
one must attempt the absurd.”
-Miguel de Unamuno
I go to conquer the obstacles keeping me from telling my story
Put on your helmets and get ready to go spelunking.

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